CPU intel Xeon L5639 2.13GHz 6 Cores 12 threads


CPU intel Xeon L5639 2.13GHz 6 Cores 12 threads

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CPU intel Xeon L5639 2.13GHz 6 Cores 12 threads
CPU intel Xeon L5639 2.13GHz 6 Cores 12 threads


Thông số kỹ thuật CPU intel Xeon L5639 2.13GHz 4 Cores 8 threadsds: 


General information
TypeCPU / Microprocessor
Market segmentServer

Intel Xeon 5600

Model number  ? 


CPU part number
  • AT80614005076AB is an OEM/tray microprocessor
Frequency  ? 2133 MHz
Turbo frequency2667 MHz (1 or 2 cores)
2533 MHz (3 or 4 cores)
2400 MHz (5 or 6 cores)
Bus speed  ? 5.86 GT/s QPI (2933 MHz)
Clock multiplier  ? 16
Package1366-land Flip-Chip Land Grid Array (FC-LGA10)
SocketSocket 1366 / B / LGA1366
Size1.77″ x 1.67″ / 4.5cm x 4.25cm
S-spec numbers
 ES/QS processorsProduction processors
Part numberQ4U2SLBZJ
Architecture / Microarchitecture
Processor core  ? Westmere-EP
Core stepping  ? B1 (Q4U2, SLBZJ)
Manufacturing process0.032 micron High-K metal gate process
1170 million transistors
Data width64 bit
The number of cores6
The number of threads12
Floating Point UnitIntegrated
Level 1 cache size  ? 6 x 32 KB 4-way set associative instruction caches
6 x 32 KB 8-way set associative data caches
Level 2 cache size  ? 6 x 256 KB 8-way set associative caches
Level 3 cache size12 MB 16-way set associative shared cache
MultiprocessingUp to 2 processors
  • MMX instructions
  • SSE / Streaming SIMD Extensions
  • SSE2 / Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
  • SSE3 / Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
  • SSSE3 / Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
  • SSE4 / SSE4.1 + SSE4.2 / Streaming SIMD Extensions 4  ? 
  • AES / Advanced Encryption Standard instructions
  • EM64T / Extended Memory 64 technology / Intel 64  ? 
  • NX / XD / Execute disable bit  ? 
  • HT / Hyper-Threading technology  ? 
  • VT / Virtualization technology  ? 
  • TXT / Trusted Execution technology
  • TBT / Turbo Boost technology  ? 
Low power featuresEnhanced SpeedStep technology  ? 
Integrated peripherals / components
Integrated graphicsNone
Memory controllerThe number of controllers: 1
Memory channels: 3
Supported memory: DDR3-800, DDR3-1066, DDR3-1333
Maximum memory bandwidth (GB/s): 32
Other peripheralsQuick Path Interconnect (2 links)
Electrical / Thermal parameters
Thermal Design Power  ? 60 Watt


 Hình ảnh sản phẩm CPU intel Xeon L5639 2.13GHz 4 Cores 8 threads :

CPU intel Xeon L5639 2.13GHz 4 Cores 8 threads 

CPU intel Xeon L5639 2.13GHz 4 Cores 8 threads


CPU intel Xeon L5639 2.13GHz 4 Cores 8 threads



Chúng tôi chuyên phân phối sỉ CPU intel Xeon L5639 2.13GHz 4 Cores 8 threads ,CPU, RAM, linh kiện, phụ kiện của điện thoại, máy tính bảng sony, xiaomi, . . .  với  chất lượng đảm bảo, giá tốt nhất.          

– Bán hàng onlineCPU Intel Xeon L5639 giao hàng toàn quốc tại các tỉnh Hồ Chí Minh (HCM), Hà Nội (HN), Đà Nẵng (ĐN), Hải Phòng …. 

– Các cửa hàng mua CPU intel Xeon L5639 2.13GHz 4 Cores 8 threads về bán  vui lòng liên hệ trực tiếp để có giá tốt nhất, rẻ nhât.


Chung toi chuyen phan phoi si le CPU Intel Xeon L5639, Sever, Ram , phu kien, linh kien, . . .  cua dien thoai, may tinh bảng, may tinh  voi chat luong dam bao, gia tot nhat 

– Ban hang online CPU Intel Xeon L5639 2.13GHz  4 cores 8 threads giao hang toan quoc tai cac tinh Ho Chi Minh (HCM), Ha Noi (HN), Da Nang (DN), Hai Phong  …  

– Cac cua hang mua CPU Intel Xeon L5639 ve ban vui long lien he truc tiep de co gia tot nhat, re nhat

Trọng lượng100 kg

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